Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Common Fears & OCD Subtypes

OCD subtypes can help people to find community with others who share similar experiences, and they can assist therapists in designing targeted treatment plans, but they don't tell the whole story. If you can't find your subtype, that doesn't mean you don't have OCD—everyone's experience is unique, and many people's OCD symptoms don't fit neatly into any specific theme.

Health and Contamination OCD

Health Concern/Contamination OCD is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) where a person experiences obsessive thoughts around fears of becoming contaminated, contaminating others, or contracting and spreading a disease. These obsessive thoughts drive people to engage in various compulsions aimed at alleviating their anxieties about contamination (e.g., showering for hours or until they feel clean).

9 min read
David Beckham on life with OCD: His “tiring” cleaning rituals

How do you know if your cleaning habits may be OCD? Here are the signs to watch out for—and how to get help.

By Jessica Migala

Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD

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6 min read
I’m afraid to leave my home—Is it OCD, Agoraphobia, or a Specific Phobia?

Learn about the differences between OCD, Agoraphobia, and Specific Phobias that can cause a fear of leaving the home and how they can be treated.

7 min read
Fears about infertility—Is it OCD?

Strong, persistent fears about infertility, worrying about becoming pregnant and/or making a partner pregnant may be a sign of OCD.

7 min read
Fears about drug overdose in OCD 

Someone experiencing fear of drug overdose in OCD may worry about dying from ingesting, inhaling, coming into contact with harmful substances

6 min read
Fear of concussions

Fear of concussions in OCD involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts related to head trauma/concussion.

5 min read
Fear of spit or saliva

Fear of spit in OCD involves repetitive contamination fears and worry about contracting illness by coming into contact with saliva or spit.

5 min read
Fear of sunburn

A fear of sunburn associated with OCD involves recurrent, persistent, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, images, or urges related to sunburns.

6 min read
Fear of boogers or mucus

An intense fear of boogers or mucus is common in Contamination OCD, and can be very debilitating interfering with many areas of life.

7 min read
A Guide to Fear of HIV / AIDS: What it is and how to find relief 

OCD fear of HIV is a focus in Contamination/Health OCD where individuals fear they will contract, or may have contracted, the HIV virus.

5 min read
Understanding Orthorexia: What it is and How to Treat It

In the era of “clean eating,” orthorexia is a commonly misunderstood eating disorder.